Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

How can I hide a page in Webflow?

To hide a page in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

1. Login to your Webflow account and select the project in which the page exists.

2. Go to the Pages panel located on the left-hand side of the Designer interface.

3. Find the page you want to hide and click on its name to open the page settings.

4. In the page settings panel, you'll see a Visibility section. By default, the page's visibility is set to "Visible."

5. To hide the page, click on the dropdown menu next to "Visible" and select "Hidden."

6. Once hidden, the page will no longer be accessible or visible to your website visitors.

It's important to note that hiding a page does not delete it or remove it from your project. It simply makes it inaccessible to users. If you want to make the page visible again, you can follow the same steps and change its visibility back to "Visible."

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