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How can I resolve the "page with redirect" error and eliminate alternative versions of my homepage URL in Google Search Console for my Webflow website?

To resolve the "page with redirect" error and eliminate alternative versions of your homepage URL in Google Search Console for your Webflow website, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a preferred domain: Decide whether you want your website to be accessed with or without the 'www' prefix. This will help you consolidate your website's URL variations. Once decided, stick to it consistently throughout your website.

2. Set up a redirect: Configure your Webflow website to redirect all traffic from the non-preferred domain to the preferred one. To do this in Webflow, go to your project settings and navigate to the "Hosting" tab. Under the "301 Redirects" section, set up a redirect from the non-preferred domain to the preferred domain.

3. Update your links and sitemaps: Ensure that all internal links on your website point to the preferred domain. This includes navigation links, footer links, and any other links within your web pages. Additionally, update your sitemap to use the preferred domain as well.

4. Submit the preferred domain to Google: In Google Search Console, add your preferred domain as a separate property and submit the sitemap containing the updated links. Google will then index and crawl the preferred domain, reducing visibility of alternative variations.

5. Monitor crawl errors: Regularly check the crawl errors report in Google Search Console to identify any remaining instances of the "page with redirect" error. If you find any, investigate if there are any broken or incorrect redirects that need fixing.

6. Monitor search results: Keep an eye on the search results for your website and search for variations of your homepage URL to see if they still appear. If you notice any lingering alternative URLs, it's possible that external websites or backlinks still point to them. In such cases, you can reach out to those websites and request them to update the links.

Remember that resolving these issues might take some time as Google's crawling and indexing process can take a few weeks or even longer to update. Be patient and consistently monitor the progress.

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