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Scroll Webflow Code Snippets

7 Scroll Webflow Javascript, HTML & CSS Code Snippets to supercharge your sites.

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Custom Scrollbar

Custom Scrollbar

Create a custom scrollbar for your Webflow site with this CSS code snippet. Change the boring, static browser scrollbar design of your Webflow site to a unique design.

Scroll to Top of Page on Tab Click

Scroll to Top of Page on Tab Click

Automatically scroll a user to the top of page on a tab change on your Webflow site. A simple Javascript code snippet that allows for you to scroll users to the top of your site based on your selected class.

Remove Safari & Chrome Scrollbar

Remove Safari & Chrome Scrollbar

Remove Safari & Chrome scrollbars from your Webflow site via this CSS code snippet.

Shadow navbar on Scroll

Shadow navbar on Scroll

Emphasize your navbar by adding a shadow on page scroll for your Webflow site. This effect you can use via interactions although an easier way is to add a simple Javascript snippet instead. The code makes it so that if a user hasn't scrolled then no shadow will be visible. When a user scrolls your shadow effect will then be added.

Scroll overflow move on click

Scroll overflow move on click

Utilize buttons to move between cards within an overflow: scroll wrapper to a specified card via each button in Webflow. This uses a simple JS code to allow seamless transitions between various cards of your choosing using an overflowed wrapper.

Prevent Body Scroll on Click

Prevent Body Scroll on Click

A technique to stop by scrolling on click in Webflow via a small Javascript snippet. This is perfect for modal popups, navigation dropdowns and other overlays that should prevent the body from scrolling on opening.

Scroll page to bottom on load

Scroll page to bottom on load

When a page loads you can force the browser to automatically scroll to the bottom of the page on your Webflow site.