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Can I create a split screen website in Webflow where the scrolling is determined by the position of the mouse on each side, without needing to write code in CSS/HTML?

Yes, you can create a split screen website in Webflow where the scrolling is determined by the position of the mouse on each side, without needing to write code in CSS/HTML. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Start by creating a new project in Webflow and choose a blank template or start from scratch.

2. Divide your website into two sections by using two separate div blocks or sections. You can position them side by side or adjust their width as needed.

3. Select the left section and set the overflow property to hidden. This will hide the content that spills over when scrolling.

4. Inside the left section, you can add your content, such as images, text, or any other elements you want to display. Ensure that the content fits within the boundaries of the section.

5. Now, select the right section and go to the Interactions panel. Click on the "+" icon to add a new interaction.

6. In the interaction settings, select the "Scroll" trigger and set it to "While page is scrolling."

7. Next, choose the "Element Actions" and select the left section as the target element.

8. Under "Affect properties," click on the "+" icon and select "Transform." Choose the "Translate X" option.

9. Set the initial and final values for the translate X property. You can experiment with different values to achieve the desired effect. For example, you can use negative values to move the content in the opposite direction of scrolling.

10. Adjust the easing and duration settings to customize the scrolling effect further.

11. Save your interaction and preview the website to see the split screen effect in action. As you scroll, the content in the right section will move, simulating the mouse position.

Remember to refine and adjust the interaction settings to match your specific design and user experience goals. By using Webflow's powerful interactions feature, you can create sophisticated scroll-based effects without writing any code in CSS or HTML.

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