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How can I use Webflow forms to handle Mailchimp signups with checkboxes for group opt-ins?

To use Webflow forms to handle Mailchimp signups with checkboxes for group opt-ins, you'll need to integrate Mailchimp with your Webflow site and configure the form fields accordingly. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Set up your Mailchimp account: Sign up or log in to your Mailchimp account, and create a new audience/list specifically for your Webflow form submissions.

2. Connect Mailchimp to Webflow: In your Webflow project, go to the Integrations panel and select the Mailchimp integration. Click on "Connect Account" and authorize Webflow to access your Mailchimp account by following the prompts.

3. Add a form to your Webflow site: Drag and drop a Form element onto your desired page in the Webflow Designer. Configure the necessary form fields, such as Name and Email.

4. Add checkboxes for group opt-ins: To create checkboxes for group opt-ins, you'll need to use custom code and add a Checkbox element to the form for each group. Give each checkbox a unique name attribute to differentiate them.

5. Configure the form settings: In the Form Settings panel, select the Mailchimp tab. Choose the Mailchimp audience/list you created earlier. Map the form fields to the corresponding fields in your Mailchimp audience, such as Full Name to First Name and Email Address to Email.

6. Map checkbox values to Mailchimp groups: In the Mailchimp tab of the Form Settings panel, scroll down to the "Group settings" section. Here, you'll need to enter the group names and values for each checkbox you added. Use the exact group names from Mailchimp and the same unique name attributes you assigned to the checkboxes in step 4.

7. Test your form: Publish your Webflow site and test the form by submitting it. Make sure to check if the form data is properly sent to Mailchimp and if the correct groups are selected based on the checkboxes.

8. Style and design your form: You can further customize the form's design using Webflow's styling options or by adding custom CSS to match your website's branding.

By following these steps, you can use Webflow forms to handle Mailchimp signups with checkboxes for group opt-ins. Ensure that you keep your web design skills sharp by regularly exploring new features and updates in Webflow and Mailchimp to maximize the potential of this integration.

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