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Floating Sidebar Social Share

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The Floating Sidebar Social Share template is a simple and effective way to add social sharing buttons to the left sidebar of your Webflow site. This template uses a floating-share jquery plugin to create a social sharing block that floats above your site, ensuring that it is always visible to your users. This makes it easy for your visitors to share your content on social media and helps to increase your website's reach and engagement. The Floating Sidebar Social Share template is particularly useful for those in the Social category and was created by UIFlow. This template is available as a cloneable Webflow template and is an excellent choice for anyone looking to add social sharing buttons to their website in a convenient and unobtrusive way.

An Instagram feed embed design for Webflow. Add an Instagram styled feed slider embed to your Webflow site that utilizes Webflow's native CMS system. Tie this into a tool like Zapier and you could automate your Instagram feed to your Webflow site without adding bloated third party JS libraries.

Five unique designs to showcase your Instagram feeds in Webflow. These examples utilize a combination of custom code and Webflow interactions to make the magic happen. Although a majority of the movements are controlled by Webflow interactions. A great way to liven up your Instagram feeds on your Webflow projects. Tie this into automating the importing of your Instagram feeds to Webflow using Zapier or Make and this can be a fully automated and up to date instagram feed.

A free Webflow cloneable for a social sharing button interaction. When a user hovers over the button it expands to showcase 4 different social sharing sites, Behance, Dribble, Instagram and Twitter. This social share button was created solely from Webflow interacations and is a fun way to add social sharing or a contact to your Webflow site.

A glass bar navigation design for Webflow. This micro interaction for a glass navigation bar design with hover over interactions is a great way to add social media sharing buttons to your Webflow site.

Five different styles of animated and interactive social media share buttons for Webflow.

An animated, 3D layered social media sharing buttons for Webflow. When a user hovers over the buttons they pop up with a 3D layering effect on your Webflow site.

Easily add an Instagram feed to your Webflow site with these premade Instagram feed designs. Twelve different Instagram feed design components allow you to easily add your latest Instagram posts to your Webflow site. Keep in mind that these are simply the design components and do not include the code to work properly. You'll either need to use a 3rd party tool or manually add your instagram posts yourself. These Instagram feed designs feature a variety of different styles from masonry grids to stacked and Instagram style cards.

A full set of social media brand icons in black and white for your Webflow projects. There are several different variations, all in black and white, including SVG icons, button classes, embed boxes and Font Awesome icons.

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Here's a way to create a slick slider type of slider within Webflow.

Pop up contact form modal interaction for Webflow. A clean modal window appears with a contact form when clicking on the contact button. This contact modal form features all the native Webflow interactions required for a modal window in a fully responsive design.

Here's a way to add a dropped in text underline on hover in Webflow. When you hover over the multiple lines of text an underline interaction is triggered and the underline appears over the text.

A text fill on hover effect for Webflow. When you hover over text on your Webflow site it fills the text with an animation effect.

Here's a unique way of showing images, app screenshots or more in an iPhone mobile slider. The images continuously rotate through and infinite loop.

Make your Webflow site content dynamic and fully interactive with these draggable content cards. A fun way of creating a dynamic layout that users can move, modify and play with on your Webflow site.

Here's a way to create a zoom in on click technique in Webflow. If you need to magnify an image on your Webflow site this cloneable is perfect for you.

Here's a way to add a show/hide password input field in Webflow. Clicking on the eye icon displays the password and it's accomplished via some custom jquery code to change the input type.

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