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Simple To Do List With Filtering

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The Simple To Do List With Filtering Webflow cloneable is a simple and easy to use tool for managing tasks and to-do items. It is built using Webflow and includes a filtering feature that allows you to easily search and sort through your list using JavaScript. This cloneable is perfect for those looking for a quick and easy way to organize their tasks and stay on top of their to-do list. It is simple and intuitive to use, making it perfect for anyone looking to get things done efficiently. With the Simple To Do List With Filtering cloneable, you can easily keep track of all your tasks and get things done with ease.

A fully native dark-mode toggle button to convert your Webflow site into dark mode or light mode at the switch of a button. This technique utilizes Webflow's native interactions and the Filter, BG color, text color and border color functionality.

Using Mixitup to combine CMS lists into a single list and add both sorting and filtering to your Webflow site.

An advanced demonstration of using Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter using no-code for Webflow. The example includes a search input, sorting, checkboxes, range slider, sorting, drop down, radio buttons and more. A great way to understand the capabilities and advanced filtering options of Attributes CMS filtering.

A great example of a CMS slider with custom navigation arrows that are designed within Webflow. It also features a dropdown to filter the slides. This uses the slick slider JS library.

A full suite of wonderfully designed and accessible components for Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter and Webflow forms. Includes radio button, checkbox, dropdown, search input, select, range slider and more!

Backdrop filters for Webflow that show three different background effects including inverting colors, saturating colors, hue rotation, and grayscale created by Finsweet. This cloneable was created to showcase Webflow's latest native backdrop filters.

Help your users understand what they should be searching for via this rotating search suggestions.

Showcasing Webflow's new blending and backdrop features. This demonstration cloneable shows off how text hover effects behind Backdrop blur and blend effects in Webflow. In this example text behind backdrop blur shapes showcase the effects colored linear gradients and shapes with no color gradients and the effects of text behind with hover effects. This technique uses a bit of CSS to create the text outline and hover effects.

Real-time sorting by

Using the MetaMask API and Web3.js you can send Ethereum via Metamask in Webflow. In order to get this to work properly you need to add the custom code found in Page Settings before the closing body tag.

A simple todo list built in Webflow with JS filtering.

Real-time sorting by