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This is a styleguide combination of the Wizardry system and Finsweets Client first methodology. The Wizardry system is an em-based fluid scaling system that is combined with the first class structure and naming conventions of the client first class naming structure and conventions. The main area where the two systems are combined is in sticking with REM units for the small text elements so that on desktop they don't end up too small on low resolution screens. The design also has a mockup at 1440px and in the template the body font size is set to 1.111vw, which is equivelent to 16px for simple px to em conversion.

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Ché Stevenson

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.