Webflow sync, pageviews & more.
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A clear and easy way to add Chart.js to your Webflow site. Here's how to add it to your Webflow site. Step 1: Add a div, and add a HTML Embed in the div. Step 2: Apply the chart id - eg <canvas id="myChart"</canvas> Step 3) Inside the HTML embed (below the canvas tag), add in the chart.js CDN Step 4) Apply the script content in the hTML embed, this is the chart.js script info.

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Elliot Rylands

A Product Designer at Squiz, leading all areas of design & interaction within product & client based project teams.

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.