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Is there a way to automate the insertion of a canonical URL tag in Webflow?

Yes, there is a way to automate the insertion of a canonical URL tag in Webflow. Webflow provides a feature called "dynamic embeds" that allows you to insert custom code snippets into your site's pages. This is useful for adding tags like the canonical URL tag to your pages.

To automate the insertion of the canonical URL tag, you can follow these steps:

1. In the Webflow Designer, open the page where you want to insert the canonical URL tag.
2. Go to the page settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top-left corner of the Designer.
3. In the page settings panel, scroll down to the "Custom code" section.
4. In the "Head code" field, you can add your dynamic embed code for the canonical URL tag.

For example, if you want to dynamically generate the canonical URL using Webflow's "current page" variables, you can use the following code snippet:



This code snippet will dynamically generate the canonical URL based on the current page's URL and site URL. It then appends the canonical URL tag to the head section of your page.

By using dynamic embeds, you can insert this code snippet in the head code field of your page settings, and the canonical URL tag will be automatically included on all pages of your site.

Remember to publish your site for the changes to take effect.

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