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How can I set the default tab in Webflow when the functionality is lacking?

If the default tab functionality is lacking in Webflow, there are still a couple of workarounds you can try to achieve the desired result. Here are two possible solutions:

1. Custom Code:
One way to set the default tab in Webflow is by using custom code. You can add some custom JavaScript to your site to handle the tab functionality. For example, you can add an event listener to listen for page load, then programmatically activate the desired tab. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:



In this example, we're using the `DOMContentLoaded` event to ensure that the necessary elements are available before manipulating them. Make sure to replace `.default-tab` with the appropriate selector for your specific tab element.

You can add this code by either embedding it in a custom code embed element within your Webflow project or by using an external JavaScript file.

2. Tabs as Triggers:
Another approach is to create a hidden div that serves as the default tab content and then use another element, such as a button or a link, to trigger the display of that default content.

Start by creating the hidden div that contains the default tab content. Apply the appropriate styling to hide it initially (e.g., using the display: none; CSS property).

Next, create a button or a link element that, when clicked, triggers the display of the default tab content. You can achieve this using Webflow's Interactions feature. For example, you can create a new interaction with a "Click" trigger on the button, and then set the action to show the hidden div.

By default, your tab content will be hidden, and users can click the button to reveal it. However, you can use additional JavaScript to simulate the default state on page load. Here's an example:



In this example, we're assuming you have assigned the CSS classes "default-tab-button" and "default-tab-content" to the button and the hidden div, respectively. Adjust the selectors as needed in your specific case.

Again, you can add this code using a custom code embed element or an external JavaScript file.

Remember, these are just workarounds, and they may require some additional customization based on your specific use case. It's recommended to test and preview your site thoroughly after implementing them to ensure they work as expected.

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