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Is it possible to export a line drawing animation with the wiggle effect intact using Bodymovin in Adobe After Effects?

Yes, it is possible to export a line drawing animation with the wiggle effect intact using Bodymovin in Adobe After Effects.

First, you'll need to create your line drawing animation in Adobe After Effects. This can be done by creating a shape layer, drawing your line with the pen tool, and then animating the stroke properties to reveal the line. Once you have your line drawing animated, you can apply the wiggle effect to add some random, organic movement to the line.

To apply the wiggle effect, select the shape layer that contains the line and go to the "Effects & Presets" panel. Search for the "wiggle" effect and apply it to the shape layer. This effect allows you to control parameters such as the frequency and amplitude of the wiggle.

Once you are satisfied with your line animation and the wiggle effect, you can export it using the Bodymovin extension for After Effects. Bodymovin is a plugin that allows you to export your animations as JSON data, which can then be easily imported into a web development environment, such as Webflow.

To export the animation using Bodymovin, go to the "Extensions" menu in After Effects and select "Bodymovin". In the Bodymovin panel, choose a destination folder for your exported files and set any additional options you need. Then click the "Export" button to generate the JSON data.

In Webflow, you can import the JSON data and use the Lottie integration to display the line drawing animation with the wiggle effect intact. To do this, first, add a div block to your Webflow project where you want the animation to appear. Then, go to the elements panel and search for the "Lottie" component. Drag and drop the Lottie component into the div block.

In the Lottie component settings, you can upload the JSON file you exported from After Effects using Bodymovin. Once uploaded, you can adjust the animation's settings, such as loop, autoplay, and speed, to suit your needs. Preview the website to see your line drawing animation with the wiggle effect in action.

By following these steps, you can successfully export a line drawing animation with the wiggle effect intact using Bodymovin in Adobe After Effects and display it in Webflow.

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