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What could be causing elements like pictures, fonts, and buttons to shift off the page when updating a website on Webflow?

There could be a few reasons why elements like pictures, fonts, and buttons shift off the page when updating a website on Webflow. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

1. Changes in Layout or Structure: If you've made changes to the layout or structure of your website, such as adding or removing elements, adjusting margins or padding, or changing the order of sections, it can affect the positioning of other elements. Make sure to review the changes you made and ensure they haven't inadvertently caused the shift.

2. Responsive Design: Webflow allows you to create responsive designs, which means elements can have different positions or sizes based on the screen size. Ensure that you've set up your responsive breakpoints correctly and that the elements are correctly positioned or hidden as required on different devices. Use the responsive design feature in Webflow to preview your website on different screen sizes and identify any layout issues.

3. CSS Conflicts: It's possible that there might be conflicts between the custom CSS styles or scripts you've added and the default styles applied by Webflow. Check your custom code and ensure it's not modifying the styles of the affected elements in a way that causes them to shift. You can also use the Webflow Designer's Style Manager to review and troubleshoot any conflicting styles.

4. Browser Rendering Differences: Different browsers can render websites slightly differently, which can cause elements to shift. Test your website on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) to identify any inconsistencies. Use browser-specific CSS rules or vendor prefixes if needed to address these discrepancies.

5. Typography Issues: If the font you're using is not loading properly, it can cause text elements to shift. Confirm that you have correctly imported and applied the fonts in Webflow. Check the font properties, including line height and letter spacing, to ensure they're not causing any unintended shifts.

6. Hidden or Overflowing Elements: If elements are set to be hidden or have overflow settings that are not optimal, they may appear to shift when content is added or removed. Check the visibility and overflow settings of the affected elements to ensure they are properly configured to avoid unexpected shifts.

7. Dynamic Content or CMS Collections: If your website uses dynamic content or CMS collections, make sure the content you're pulling in is structured properly. Inaccurate or inconsistent data entry can cause elements to shift unexpectedly as the content updates. Review the CMS collection fields and content to ensure consistency.

Remember to preview your changes frequently and test your website on different devices before publishing to catch any potential issues. If the issue persists, you can share a read-only link to your Webflow project with the Webflow community or support team for further assistance in troubleshooting the specific problem.

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