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Ellipsis After Text Limit

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The Ellipsis After Text Limit is a useful technique for creating a text or content limit for paragraphs of text. This allows you to artificially limit the number of lines of text that are displayed, which can be useful for keeping design elements similar or for limiting content for clients. To achieve this effect, you can use the HTML embed code provided and adjust it according to your needs. This cloneable, which was created by Emil Villumsen, is available in Webflow and is categorized under the Card, Text Effects, and CMS categories. The Ellipsis After Text Limit technique is a great way to control the amount of text displayed and can be easily implemented in your Webflow project.

Several different text reveal on scroll animations for Webflow. These techniques use a paid GSAP plugin called SplitText was used to achieve this effect. You can find the plugin here: https://greensock.com/club/ There are three different animations demonstrated here, line animation in which each line is animated as the user scrolls into the viewport, word animation in which each word is animated on scroll, and letter animation in which each letter individually animates.

A method to highlight text on page scroll in Webflow. A unique a fun interaction in which the text on the page begins to highlight as you scroll down the page. Each letter even partially highlights depending on where you've scrolled on the page. This effect uses GSAP and Scrolltrigger.js to create the effect. You'll need to add the custom code found on page settings for this to work properly.

Add a progress bar to your draggable CMS slider sections in Webflow. Typically most draggable, or third party sliders, don't offer a progress bar indicator. Using the power of Dragdealer.js you can now add a progress bar and draggable CMS slider to your Webflow site. Please note that you'll need to add the global styles HTML embed as well as the custom script found in the closing body tag within the Page settings for this to work properly.

A way of utilizing sticky cards that stack on scroll in Webflow. Using position sticky and a scrolling into view interaction allows for this effect without any custom code.

An animated timeline scrolling effect perfect for about pages, historical pages and many others. As the user scrolls down the page a fun native interaction is applied that allows users to visit historical timelines with a unique Webflow interaction. The current date and item that is in view increases brightness while others out of view are faded out. The user can scroll down the page and have historical information provided in a unique and interactive fashion. This interaction uses while scrolling in view and while page is scrolling page trigger interactions.

A fun GSAP text hover image span effect created for Webflow. When hovering over a specific text or link, images appear on the screen. Perfect for dynamic and playful interactions powered by GSAP. This script is powered by GSAP and you can find the custom code found in the page settings. This allows you to signify images that appear when a user hovers over a native Webflow text span item. This is also mobile friendly as the code allows you to set media resolution settings and customizing the effect on the non-selected text span. You are able to customize the easing, zindex position, colors and much more.

Featuring 10 different text and typography scroll effects powered by GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Lenis.js, splitting.imin.js and Scrolltype.js. Keep in mind that these effects are great but you will need to have some understanding of code in order to modify these significantly as they rely on simply the JS libraries and data attributes to apply each effect. The first effect rotates the text and highlights each letter as the paragraph comes into view. This is achieved via the data attributes as mentioned previously. The second text effect showcases each letter coming into view from a different rotation and then all combines together to make the visible text. The third effect has each word come in at different positions from out of view and then into view on page scroll. The third version unwraps each word letter by letter as you scroll down the page. The fourth effect takes each letter and has it fold up at random intervals as you scroll into view. The fifth demonstration shows each letter rotating into place upon scrolling into view. The next demonstration creates a rolling hills effect for the letters as you scroll into view. The next one showcases a paragraph in which each letter is grown from the initial position as you scroll down the page. An appear example follows this one in which each letter of a word appears to be blurry and come into focus as you scroll down the page. The next and final variation has each word come in from random directions to create the paragraph.

An exploding text particles animation using Three.js in Webflow. A good demonstration of how to add Three.js to your Webflow site. In this cloneable the text begins to morph and explode as you move the cursor over it. Please note that this uses custom code found in the head and closing body tags of the page settings.

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Here's a way to use CMS video backgrounds with Webflow that fit the entire container. This works with Webflow's own compressions, as well as mp4 and webm. The background videos are via lazyload and will only load on scroll.

For a CMS collection making alternative grid items isn't possible natively, unfortunately. However using a unique technique you can accomplish this. The first line of code forces every second item to go from right to left. The second line then forces the text wrapper to always be on the left so that our text doesn't get messed up. Browsers support this method fine. Check out the custom CSS code to accomplish this technique.

Here's a fade and rotate page transition for your Webflow site. This transition occurs using a small snippet of custom code that allows the transition to happen.

Here's a way of creating a text/content limit for how many lines of text that you'd like a paragraph of text to display. This allows you to have artificial limits to limit clients or keep design elements similar. Refer to the HTML embed code to achieve this and adjust the code according to your needs.

A unique, staggered page transition that's created via. custom piece of code that allows the page transition to happen in Webflow.

Here's a way to highlight text or categories of like and similar nature by hover over. This is a great way to add emphasis to certain items on your site/page by simply hovering over a category or text item. This could be extended for CMS items as well and your own collections.

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