Webflow sync, pageviews & more.
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A demonstration of how to pull all NFTs from a wallet address from OpenSea marketplace via Javascript only. There's a CSS animation for when the stuff finally fully gets pulled in. Fully styleable as it's using a component from the Webflow DOM, with classes and everything accessible via Webflow. If you are using this in an actual project I'd recommend using the API key.

Here's a work around to use .webp files in Webflow. The trick is to upload your webp files as .webp.txt in the asset manager. Then you can use a <picture> tag and now you've got native Webp files hosted in WEbflow.

A tiny vanilla JS clock, modify using attribute and can be configured with time zones for Webflow. This technique is powered by Clock.js and utilizes Webflow's native custom attributes to determine each countries current time. This allows you to modify the timezone by simply adjusting the Webflow custom attributes for the text content to update the clock based on the timezone you require.

This is a unique way of adding Curtain.js WebGL slider to your Webflow site. This allows for a variety of transitions and change effects not available to the standard slider. This is based on Curtain.js and is fully customizable in both shape and size, it's also responsive behaving like CSS cover. There are many options from autoplay to buttons, transition duration, displacement maps and even pixel distance, built in easings without libraries.

An example of integrating locomotive scroll integration in Webflow

Here's a way to add a non-CMS item to a cMS collection list in Webflow. This can be positioned at the start, middle, end or at a specific position via a number. A great way to add non CMS items into a native Webflow collection list.

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I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.