Webflow sync, pageviews & more.
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Five different variations of an image appearing when hovering over a link, or item. In the first example when a user hovers over the item the image stays in line with the text although slightly follows the users mouse. In the second version the image follows but at a different section and with a different image dimension. In the third example the entire div has an image appear from the bottom and changes the background of the item. The following demonstrations changes the entire background of the page to an image. This demonstration and cloneable was built entirely from Webflow interactions and doesn't use any extra custom code or HTML embeds. These examples rely on the Mouse move over element for the triggers.

A simple CSS snap scrolling cloneable that allows you to easily add snap scrolling via CSS to your Webflow sites. This utilizes CSS and you can find this in the cloneables custom code page settings. With this custom code you can target the n parent and other nth categories to customize the snap scrolling functionality. You can add easing, the duration for the scroll snapping, the height of the items and much more. Easily add snap scrolling to your site via this snipped and skip bloated 3rd party JS libraries.

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Neue World

UI/UX agency based out of Dubai, UAE. Creating the what is and not what was. We are specialized in UI, UX, WebFlow, & Dashboards.

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.