Webflow sync, pageviews & more.


roboRisk* is a Design language inspired by the Roboto Typeface. Traditional icons in the site have been replaced by characters found in the type family.

An experiment using a scroll effect, Lottiefiles and Webflow interactions and the simplest building blocks. A full description of how the effect is achieved so that you can easily replicate it yourself. The entire effect is created via Scroll Actions interactions and the location of the windows page scroll. The lottie files are then triggered by the percentage of the page scrolled with a "static" 100vh window.

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No items found.


Right Hemisphere

We are a design-first tech company. We love to find innovative ways to solve complex and truly boring digital problems.

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.