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183 Webflow templates with Menu components

Menu Webflow templates are templates that include pre-built menus with the template. These include mega menus, dropdown menus, sliding menus and much more.

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Creative Agency Webflow Template

Creative Agency Webflow Template

A very well designed Webflow template perfect for web design agencies, designers and creatives. This template features a large hero section with rotating text and a unique time changer based on the city in the rotation. This clean and sophisticated template features unique mouse hover interactions in the portfolio section. When a user hovers over the image a preview of the project/site is displayed. There's a large about us text area, client logo bar, services section, awards text marquee, and contact form and team section.

Elearning Platform Webflow Template

Elearning Platform Webflow Template

A perfect free Webflow cloneable template for your online course, elearning platform or online educational class. This template features a beautifully designed hero section that features a hover slider style section, strong call to action, a tabbed area that shows the list of courses filtered by categories, a features section, testimonials slider in a beautifully designed site with a menu and footer.

AI Site Webflow Template

AI Site Webflow Template

An excellent rebuild of Jarvis site as a Webflow cloneable template. This template features a text animation using gradients and the typing effect in the header, a scroll to expand video interaction, client logo section, feature section with expanding image interaction, scroll animations for features section, reviews and testimonial section, and a strong call to action. All major headers and headlines use a gradient text effect.

Space Travel Webflow Template

Space Travel Webflow Template

A free Webflow cloneable template for a fictitious space travel company that could easily be adapted for a travel company or transport company. This template features a strong, yet elegant, hero section featuring a strong call to action. It also includes a tabbed section with unique text and images, an automatic slider with timed transitions, and another tabbed section featuring additional information.

NFT Crypto Webflow Template

NFT Crypto Webflow Template

A fun free Webflow cloneable template perfect for an NFT project, crypto site, or technology based sites. This site features a hovering menu bar, hover over effects on the hero section brand name, scroll interactions, about section, FAQ and rarity information,

ChatGPT Webflow Template

ChatGPT Webflow Template

A dark modern, open AI template rebuild featuring particle.js and other animations/interactions.

Travel Site Webflow Template

Travel Site Webflow Template

A clean free Webflow cloneable template perfect for a travel site, transport company or technology startup. Featuring a strong header section with text underlines and a video play button, benefit cards with icons, travel destination cards, steps process, testimonial slider and a strong call to action.

Webflow Designer Webflow Template

Webflow Designer Webflow Template

An exceptionally well designed parallax driven Webflow cloneable website. This personal portfolio site features a unique header with scroll interactions, strong large text sections, a scrolling marquee, custom mouse cursors, a steps process, mouse hover interactions, text animations and much more.

Technology SaaS Webflow Template

Technology SaaS Webflow Template

A dark technology focused Webflow template perfect for technology startups, SaaS and similar industries. This template features a unique background animation and a dark color theme. The hero section features a large header, subheadline and call to actions. Scrolling down you're presented with a product image and then a further feature section. Following that is a larger, more specific feature section and a pricing table. There's a unique page scroll animation further on the page and a large call to action.

Digital Studio Webflow Template

Digital Studio Webflow Template

A creative Webflow template perfect for web designers, portfolios and creative sites. This template features a yellow color scheme with a large hero section and call to action. As you scroll down you're presented with a large card featuring metrics and an about the company information. Further down is a portfolio and previous works area with large imagery and project titles. Below is the about section featuring rounded cards and information about the business. Finally there's a large call to action, client logo bar and testimonial slider to complete this template.

LMS Learning Platform Webflow Template

LMS Learning Platform Webflow Template

A simple, yet clean Webflow theme perfect for an online course, membership, and similar industry style sites. This template features a large hero section with a headline, subheadline and call to action. As you scroll down you'll see a metrics section, course cards information, testimonials slider, teacher cards, call to action and latest posts section.

Personal Designer Webflow Template

Personal Designer Webflow Template

Aron is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on a smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd. Headers, sticky, hide, scrolling, work, responsive, contact, cross browser, IE11, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, startup, interaction, loading, animations, reviews, slider, client list, about, pricing, blog, contact, portfolio

Retail Beverage Webflow Template

Retail Beverage Webflow Template

A unique and modern Webflow template perfect for a food product site, restaurant or retail site. The template features a huge hero section with text that changes colors, as you scroll down there's a rotating page scrolling interaction and further information about the food. Scrolling down there's a product image section, and call to action as well as a large feature section. There's a product health information/metrics section, with an image. Additional product information with a scrolling text marquee. The template features animations, about and location information, a call to action and an accordion with native Webflow interactions.

Web Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Web Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

A stunning, and well designed Webflow template cloneable ideal for web designers, creatives and those looking to create a portfolio site. This template features a large hero section with a strong call to action, a split/mirrored client logo marquee, large about section, scroll interaction portfolio area, testimonial section and a call to action. There are several different pages included with this free template, including projects, services, about and a contact page.

NFT Art Webflow Template

NFT Art Webflow Template

A beautiful rebuild of the Cryptopunks website built in Webflow using the Relume Library. This dark themed site includes an infinite scrolling marquee, menu, call to actions, tabs, slider, scroll interactions, step process, FAQ section, and a footer.

Web Design Creative Agency Webflow Template

Web Design Creative Agency Webflow Template

A free Webflow cloneable template perfect for an agency, web designer or creative agency. This template features a large hero section and call to action, clean features section with icons and feature cards. Further down the site you'll be presented with larger about section and a portfolio grid area. Finally there's a clean call to action and a menu and footer section.

Architectual Design Webflow Template

Architectual Design Webflow Template

Nordic is a Webflow template perfect for an architectural design firms and real estate companies sites. This template features a large primary image and headline in the hero. As you scroll down a progress scroll indicator appears on the bottom of the page. Following section includes a metrics section, an about area and a quote section. The services section includes a step process and a video area section and a projects section. There's also an hours of operation and a opt in call to action form.

Crypto Rewards Webflow Template

Crypto Rewards Webflow Template

Lumpay is a fun and free Webflow template perfect for finance, technology and crypto sectors. This template features a fun design and large hero section with a text masking page scroll interaction. The sections are divided by a bubbly and unique separator instead of a standard line style division. As you scroll down there's a large feature section and unique rotating scroll animation. There's also a team section and header and footer area.

One Page Digital Agency Webflow Template

One Page Digital Agency Webflow Template

A digital agency Webflow template perfect for web designers, creatives and agencies. This template features a hero section with scroll animations, an about section, portfolio section with hover animations. Scrolling down you'll see a features section outlining features for the service, client logo section and finally a footer. This is a very simple and well designed template perfect as a starting platform for your Webflow site.

Home Interior Design Webflow Template

Home Interior Design Webflow Template

Here's the second freebie from the Studio UI Kit project - a fully free, premium UI Kit that will be live on the Webflow showcase before you know it! This time, we've got a complete home page template, complete with a nav bar and a footer. Clone it, and use it for whatever your heart desires!

Startup App Webflow Template

Startup App Webflow Template

Hyperion Webflow template is highly suitable for creating websites for startups, apps, software, SaaS and technology businesses.

Sports Apparel Webflow Template

Sports Apparel Webflow Template

ATHLETICS is an ecommerce webflow template. It's free - use it for any project! :) This is an excellent template for clothing-based businesses. It's tablet and mobile-ready. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think of it!

Vehicle Repair Webflow Template

Vehicle Repair Webflow Template

A free Webflow template cloneable perfect for auto mechanics, dealerships and other transport related services. This template was created using Finsweets client first methodologies, making this template easy to work with and build upon. This template features a large hero section with a call to action button, parallax scroll review effects, a booking/quote form with a features list, a step process feature section, feature cards with hover effects and a large CTA section. There's also a metrics section, brand logo grid, testimonial slider and a FAQ accordion with Webflow interactions.

Hotel Booking Webflow Template

Hotel Booking Webflow Template

Alps is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for hotels, guesthouses and vacation rentals. This template features a large image hero section with a strong headline and page scroll zoom interactions. As the user scrolls down the page the image zooms out and details/pictures of the hotel are shown. Scrolling down further you can view room details and further images about the property. An about section shows a food plate with a rotating scroll interaction and further information about the food available on the property. This template features several premade pages including rooms, spa, location and contact.

SaaS Subscription Service Webflow Template

SaaS Subscription Service Webflow Template

Here's a perfect Webflow template for starting a SaaS or technology based startup site. This template features a large hero section with bold headlines and strong imagery and a call to action. As you scroll down the page you'll notice a client logo bar and large featured sections. Further down the page there's an icon featured area with 3 features. This template also includes a pricing table, with a featured package and a menu and footer.

Van Campers Webflow Template

Van Campers Webflow Template

Encompassed Campers Totally free cloneable. This was a fun project that came about from a client/friend that had to pull the plug for unforeseen circumstances. Includes: - Several Unique Pages - Template pages - Contact Form - CMS - Custom Code (I'm not a coder so don't hate me if it looks messy) - Animations - Lotties The site is built around the business model of customised camper vans used for exploring and adventure. Bold fonts and constrasting colours create a strong impact, and the imagery does the rest. **Note: this was initially meant to be done for a client but didn't go ahead so I've built this in a couple days as I thought it would be a fun cloneable for the community. So there are definitely some bugs and please ignore how I lay everything out (I'm not very tidy).** Have fun and let me know if you like the site!

NFT Marketplace Webflow Template

NFT Marketplace Webflow Template

NFT Marketplace cloneable for Webflow. Showcases NFTs, rankings and much more.

Food Ecommerce Webflow Template

Food Ecommerce Webflow Template

A beautiful Webflow template suitable for a candy shop, retail store, online shop and much more. This template features a stunning use of typography and simplicity, the hero section offers a strong headline and provides information about the product. As you scroll down the page you'll notice smooth scrolling and strong product imagery. You'll also notice a custom cursor and additional information about the product. As you scroll down a parallax image effect occurs followed by additional information about the candy. Further down the page you'll notice the different types of candies offered, when hovering over the imagery changes via a hover effect for each individual candy. There's a large testimonial slider and a draggable product slider. Finally there's a call to action

Athletics Ecommerce Webflow Template

Athletics Ecommerce Webflow Template

A modern and unique free Webflow cloneable template perfect for an ecommerce or online store. This template features a strong, scrolling marquee header section with three primary products. These products feature a hover over blur effect, below you'll find a strong quote/motto followed by additional products. The featured gear section includes a hover over effect that highlights the product name and includes a rotating circle banner over the product image. Below you'll find a strong call to action, additional information and a footer section.

Design SaaS Webflow Template

Design SaaS Webflow Template

A beautiful Webflow template cloneable perfect for SaaS and technology sites. This template features a large hero section with a call to action opt in form. This template features a modal, feature icons, a large feature headline and product image slider. The product image slider features an automatic transition and feature icon area and a large call to action with a menu and footer.

Keyboard Shortcuts App Webflow Template

Keyboard Shortcuts App Webflow Template

A unique and clean free Webflow cloneable template perfect for app landing pages, SaaS, technology companies or a startup. This site features a clean dark design with a strong hero section with countdown clock, product demonstration video, features section, feature cards, testimonial section, strong call to action, FAQ accordion, and a menu/footer section.

Calendar App Webflow Template

Calendar App Webflow Template

A stunning and well designed Webflow cloneable template perfect for Startups, SaaS, technology focused services. This design provides modern web standards via a beautiful hero section, with headline highlights. A menu with call to action buttons, a mission statement, a scrolling interaction demoing the product, scrolling features expanding interaction, integrations section, a scrolling testimonial marquee, an infinite features marquee.

Marketing Agency Webflow Template

Marketing Agency Webflow Template

An SaaS focused Webflow template that features a modern design and is perfect for technology startups, apps and similar tech based services. This template features a large header section with headline and a call to action button followed by a client bar. As you scroll down the page there's an about section with images and a metrics section, a feature section with custom cards, service overview cards, steps process with 6 individual cards and unique designs. There's a testimonial section with a slider and people avatars, a blog section with cards and a call to action. This template is based on Finsweet client first methodology which allows you to build fully responsive with an organized class system.

Minimal Travel Blog Webflow Template

Minimal Travel Blog Webflow Template

Clean and minimal landing page. Enjoy!

Cheerful Webflow Template

Cheerful Webflow Template

Uplift is a cheerful, no-nonsense Webflow Template for startups, designed to highlight the best of your products and services. Build your website your way, with dozens of layout variations, a clean style guide, and easy-to-follow instructions.

Clean SaaS Webflow Template

Clean SaaS Webflow Template

Twill is a free Webflow template perfect for startups, SaaS and technology based companies. The template features smooth scrolling and a large hero section. As you scroll down there's a feature section, a tabbed feature area with section loading interactions, client logo bar and an email opt in form.

Angencios Webflow Template

Angencios Webflow Template

A complete template for your Digital Agency, Graphic Design Studio, Photographers or Freelancer Portfolio.

Cafe Webflow Template

Cafe Webflow Template

Carefully crafted Webflow theme for cafe and restaurants. This simple yet powerful CMS template comes a variety of menu pages, blog functionality, booking and contact forms and many other useful components.

Home Insurance Webflow Template

Home Insurance Webflow Template

A clean and modern Webflow template perfect for an insurance company, interior design or hotel. This simple yet sophisticated design changes what you'd expect from an insurance websites. As you scroll down there's a large image and hero section, a large feature section, call to actions, about areas. As you scroll down you'll see layered feature areas and more.

Photosharing SaaS Webflow Template

Photosharing SaaS Webflow Template

A perfect free Webflow cloneable template for photographers, videographers and other similar industries. This template features a blended menu, strong grid style layout with a large hero and primary image, about section, cards with hover interactions, hover interactions on the about/feature icons and footer section. The story, or blog section, is perfect for any photographer documenting their travels and experiences. Offering a grid style layout in which each post has a hover over interaction.

Architecture Firm Landing Page Webflow Template

Architecture Firm Landing Page Webflow Template

Architech is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for architecture firms, real estate companies and interior design services. This template features a bold hero section with a large headline and call to action. As you scroll down you'll notice an image slider with images of real estate projects. Further down there are large feature areas with icons and imagery. This template also includes a testimonial slider and call to action followed by a client logo bar.

Technology Startup Webflow Template

Technology Startup Webflow Template

Otis is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd.

Clothing Retailer Webflow Template

Clothing Retailer Webflow Template

An ecommerce shopping Webflow template based on a Gucci site rebuild. This template includes a large, image based hero slider followed by a grid layout and further automatic transition sliders of various products/designs. The grid layout continues throughout the site with more product imagery, a call to action and various sliders. A menu and footer is built and ready to go via this template.

Urban Development Webflow Template

Urban Development Webflow Template

An absolutely stunning free template perfect for urban development, architecture firms, real estate companies and much more in Webflow. This beautiful template features scroll animations, a strong hero section, testimonials section, parallax style effects, tabs, steps process, date process, a menu and footer with scroll animations.

Minimal SaaS Webflow Template

Minimal SaaS Webflow Template

A fresh and clean ready to go SaaS Webflow cloneable template. This template is based on the popular Mozaik component library and features a clean hero section, product image, client logo list, feature sections with cards, larger feature areas, review area, features grid, pricing section, FAQ accordion with interactions, a call to action and a menu and footer section.

Mobile App Landing Page Webflow Template

Mobile App Landing Page Webflow Template

Shade app is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for app landing pages and technology based startups. This template features a large hero section with download call to action buttons perfect for app downloads. Scrolling down there's a step process area, larger feature section with various designs and a product demonstration slider with a unique iphone mockup and design. This template also has a testimonials section, a larger call to action and a menu/footer.

Digital Branding Design Webflow Template

Digital Branding Design Webflow Template

A stunning and very well designed portfolio Webflow cloneable perfect for designers, creatives and others to showcase their portfolios and work. This features a large header section with a primary image and information header. As the user scrolls down there are scroll interactions that add depth to the site. Below that there's a scrolling marquee that's offset at an angle. Further down there's an about section followed by a testimonial slider with customized previous/next buttons. A unique client logo bar is shown with a tastefully done design. As the user scrolls further on the page page scroll animations show the projects/portfolio section. Finally a large call to action is shown

Marketing Service Webflow Template

Marketing Service Webflow Template

A simple Webflow template ideal for startups, technology companies, and SaaS. This template features a large hero section with a headline, call to action business and client logos. Below you'll find a feature headline, feature cards followed by another feature section. The next feature section includes a large image with a circular text overlay and vital metrics. Scrolling down further you'll notice a tabbed area, with various tabbed information. The template also includes a large call to action, testimonial section, blog cards, and a menu and footer.

SaaS Landing Page Webflow Template

SaaS Landing Page Webflow Template

Shades digital is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for technology startups, SaaS companies and app landing pages. This template features a large hero section and opt in form, followed by feature benefits. As you scroll down the page you'll see a larger feature area with several different styled layouts. This template also features a testimonial area and client logo bar followed by a simple pricing table with two pricing options. Finally theres a menu and footer section.

Museum Site Webflow Template

Museum Site Webflow Template

A free Webflow cloneable template perfect for an ecommerce store or small shop. This features a strong hero section with a quote and primary image, below that you'll find the products that include a hover over image interaction. The products are displayed in a unique grid layout with large emphasis on the products and simple design. This simple, yet modern ecommerce template is a perfect starting point for any new ecommerce Webflow store.

School Financial Dashboard Webflow Template

School Financial Dashboard Webflow Template

Landing page for an old financial management system. This is a very old project, I hope it's useful!

Design Service Webflow Template

Design Service Webflow Template

Say hello to Makeshift, a creative agency template to help you get more clients. Show off your best work, list your services and pricing, engage your audience with your blog, and build a standout brand with your own unique website.

Customer Feedback Webflow Template

Customer Feedback Webflow Template

A beautiful redesign of the Pastel site built in Webflow. Featuring a large hero section, case study cards, features section, testimonials, call to action, menu and footer.

Modern Blog Webflow Template

Modern Blog Webflow Template

Here's a great template for a starting point for a blog in Webflow. This template features a menu, post layout and individual blog post design. The individual post features a large image at top followed by the category link, title and then post details. There's also a author bio area with the name, description and social media links.

Client First Webflow Template

Client First Webflow Template

I created a project for The Webflow Party hosted by Melissa Mendez founder of The Webflow Party. During the Live-Build we covered design tools, resources, design systems and style systems. This project was created with Finsweets Client-First Style Systems. CFSS organization helped developed a well balanced structure in Webflow.

Simple Startup Webflow Template

Simple Startup Webflow Template

Client-first Template 9 is for startup businesses. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 9 static and 2 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system More info: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/template/9 What is Client-first? https://www.finsweet.com/client-first Full docs: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/docs/intro 🎁 Get the Figma file: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1066032194038144289

Flexible Startup Webflow Template

Flexible Startup Webflow Template

Next comes with a multitude of carefully designed page layouts, purpose built content blocks that when pieced together create stunning, professional layouts. The possibilities are endless.

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

A stunning rebuild of Plinks site as a Webflow template perfect for SaaS, technology sites, and app landing pages. This Webflow template has a large hero section with a background video, scrolling down you're presented with a scroll animation with a large unique selling proposition headline and features section. Further down additional 3D animated icons present features, below is a scrolling marquee with logo. A great landing page with a variety of animations, scrolling interactions and large design elements.

Garden Store Webflow Template

Garden Store Webflow Template

A stunning free ecommerce Webflow cloneable template perfect for a small business, flower/plant shop and similar industries. This ecommerce template features a strong header with a large image and call to action. Below that you'll find a scrolling text marquee followed by an about us section. A beautiful product info slider with unique previous/next buttons allows you to showcase your business and relevant products. Finally you'll find the product section that includes a unique hover over effect that changes the image. Bellow you'll see a scroll interaction that displays a download app call to action and finally a beautiful footer and additional picture gallery.

Freelance Consultant Webflow Template

Freelance Consultant Webflow Template

Freelancer is the perfect template for the independent Creative who wants to stand out with a bold, beautiful and easy to use template. Spend more time on what is more important for your career and let Freelancer template do the rest!

Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

A stunning, dark, yet modern Webflow cloneable template perfect for designers, agencies and creative companies. This dark themed template provides a modern effect, full of unique gradients and interesting interactions. This site features a gradient background hero section followed by a testimonial infinite slider with unique triangle style designs. After you'll see a feature section with unique icons. Finally the features section includes a unique scroll interaction in which a gradient comes into focus as you scroll through the features section. A FAQ accordion is also prebuilt with all necessary Webflow interactions.

Startup Web Designers Webflow Template

Startup Web Designers Webflow Template

Beacon leads the way with a versatile design fusing classic elegance and modern panache. Perfect for creators in both the digital and physical spaces with Case Studies and Portfolio template powered by Webflow CMS.

Airplane Chartering Webflow Template

Airplane Chartering Webflow Template

A private charter and airplane related Webflow cloneable template. This features unique loading animations, feature cards with hover over interactions, feature areas with scroll loading interactions, large call to action area, airplane cards, and a metrics section with scroll loading animations.

Web Developer Webflow Template

Web Developer Webflow Template

Here is a clonable portfolio. *only additional code I used was to style my background font. Everything else is all Webflow.*

Manufacturing Webflow Template

Manufacturing Webflow Template

Veritas is a Webflow CMS template thought for creative agencies and all sorts of creative business. Its highly practical elements and simple design are perfect for building modern business websites.

Branding Webflow Template

Branding Webflow Template

Build your bold, elegant, and attractive website in a matter of minutes. Bryant is the best Webflow Template for creative websites, designed with attention to detail, flexibility, and performance.

Visual Design Webflow Template

Visual Design Webflow Template

Just is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd.

Designer Landing Webflow Template

Designer Landing Webflow Template

Web Folio is your shortcut to reeling in clients, picking up new projects and showing off your best work— all in one beautiful, intuitive template. Build a comprehensive portfolio website in minutes with no coding knowledge required.

Project Portfolio Webflow Template

Project Portfolio Webflow Template

Canvas is a bright and colorful one-page template that will help you to create an amazing personal page and showcase your works. It's perfect for designers, illustrators and all creative people. Stand out from the crowd with the Canvas template!

Robotics Webflow Template

Robotics Webflow Template

This website design was created as a proposal option for a client but it wasn't the chosen design direction. The design style reflects the idea of constant evolution in the field of bionics research. I wanted to explore it because I think there are nice visual motifs that connect to the world of science.

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

A fun and colorful free Webflow cloneable template perfect for technology startups, SaaS and online services. This funky, colorful beautifully designed template includes a strong hero section with a unique rounded button design. As you scroll down the page you'll see a client hero section, large features area, features section with large colorful areas with hover interactions that create a pressing animation. Further down you can see a pricing table followed by a large, testimonial slider. This retro funky colorful yet modern template also includes an accordion with all relevant interactions.

Organic Products Webflow Template

Organic Products Webflow Template

A beautiful ecommerce template for Webflow perfect for organic ecommerce stores, food shops, and much more. Features a light, organic design with a strong hero section, cards, slider section, testimonials slider, call to action, blog cards, menu and footer.

LinkedIn Data Enrichment SaaS Webflow Template

LinkedIn Data Enrichment SaaS Webflow Template

Wiza is a clean and simple Webflow template perfect for start ups, technology focused services and SaaS companies. This template features a simple menu area, medium sized hero section with a call to action and a few feature areas. The simple landing page offers a footer as well with a curvy footer seperator.

Video Streaming Webflow Template

Video Streaming Webflow Template

A rebuild of Hulu's site perfect for a video or media site. This template offers a menu, search as well as a large hero section featuring the primary video/TV show. Scrolling down you'll see the UI that you're familiar with hulu, including separate sections, sliders and featured TV shows.

Recipe Membership Webflow Template

Recipe Membership Webflow Template

This is a cloneable project that showcases CSS outlines using the Focused (keyboard) state on all navigable element.

Innovative Services Webflow Template

Innovative Services Webflow Template

Lito is a one-page responsive agency Webflow template. Other than the minimalistic single-page design, it also has a blog.

Email SaaS Webflow Template

Email SaaS Webflow Template

A wonderfully designed startup template cloneable for Webflow. This startup/SaaS orientated template features a hero section, product demonstration, client images, features section, reviews section, and pricing section with yearly and annual toggle and footer.

Landscape Photographer Webflow Template

Landscape Photographer Webflow Template

Photographer is a stylish CMS template for creative people who want to showcase their work. Perfect for photographers, designers and illustrators.

Landscaping Business Webflow Template

Landscaping Business Webflow Template

A free Webflow cloneable template perfect for a landscaper, gardener and other home services business. This template includes a large image hero section, a unique features section with listed items, scroll interactions, call to action, a review slider with automatic transitions, FAQ accordion, and a contact form/lead gen form.

Takeout Restaurant Webflow Template

Takeout Restaurant Webflow Template

A free restaurant Webflow template perfect for restaurants, food or bars. This template features a large call to action with a call to action, about section with hours, a menu with pricing information, below you'll find hours and more. This simple restaurant is easy to edit and a great starting platform for your restaurant, food site or more.

Apparel Company Webflow Template

Apparel Company Webflow Template

A simple, yet unique ecommerce brand style template for Webflow. This template is very simple in design, however features unique fonts, background video and a button hover video interaction. It also includes a menu.

SaaS Subscription Webflow Template

SaaS Subscription Webflow Template

Shades is a bright and vibrant Webflow template perfect for SaaS, Startups and technology focused sites. This template features a large and bright hero section with a headline, and call to action button. As you scroll down the page you'll notice a client logo bar followed by a features section. The features are large and provide product imagery and strong headlines. There's also a 4 feature area that's shown in a vibrant blue area that draws the users focus to it. The template features a pricing table with a monthly and yearly pricing toggle followed by a colorful and bold call to action.

Finsweet Webflow Template

Finsweet Webflow Template

Formation is a Finsweet Client First dark Webflow template

Webflow Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Webflow Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

A fun and playful Webflow template perfect for creatives, web designers and portfolios. This template features a strong hero section with an image that follows the mouse over the page with a call to action button. As you scroll down you'll see a selected projects cards. The

Webdesigner Portfolio Webflow Template

Webdesigner Portfolio Webflow Template

Motion design is a free Webflow template perfect for motion designers, web designers and other creatives that need a unique portfolio. The template features a unique animated ball dropping animation, and unique scroll interactions. As you scroll down the about section features balls that expand with the scroll down. The demo video section all has another unique expanding ball animation that grows as you scroll down. There is a portfolio section featuring cards, blog articles, and a call to action section featuring additional bubble chat scroll interactions.

Animated Agency Webflow Template

Animated Agency Webflow Template

Byrå Webflow template is highly suitable for creating websites for creative portfolio, agency, photographer and photo studio. Perfect for creators in both the digital and physical spaces with Portfolio and team sections.

Creative Branding Webflow Template

Creative Branding Webflow Template

A fun and colorful free Webflow cloneable template perfect for creatives, designers and agencies. This template features a strong image call to action with a colorful blue background. As you scroll down the page you're presented with large and colorful grid style layout with features and descriptions of the service with prominent images. Further down the page you'll find client testimonials section as well as a photo gallery.

Tech Company Webflow Template

Tech Company Webflow Template

A fun simple Webflow cloneable template perfect for Startups, SaaS and tech related companies. Featuring fun 3D characters, an orange color scheme this template features a feature section with icons, an about section featuring metrics and review stats, curved colored sections with call to actions, step process, review cards and a large call to action.

Creative Studio Portfolio Webflow Template

Creative Studio Portfolio Webflow Template

A beautiful creative studio Webflow cloneable template featuring unique interactions and sharp design elements. This template features a hero background video section, menu, custom cursor, steps process, latest works section with hover interactions, scroll animations, awards area, team section, testimonials area and a call to action.

Product Blog Webflow Template

Product Blog Webflow Template

Vertad was designed to offer you the perfect platform to showcase your portfolios or digital goods, like graphic templates, artworks, music, or even books.

Restaurant Webflow Template

Restaurant Webflow Template

A high quality free Webflow cloneable perfect for coffee shops, cafes, restaurants and other food related businesses. This template is built on Finsweets client first methodology which makes it easy to build high quality sites with structured naming schemes and responsive design. This template features a large hero section with primary image, headlines, and hours/location prominently displayed. As the user scrolls down you're then presented with further information about the establishment including FAQs and metrics. Below that section you'll find feature cards showing what's available at the cafe/restaurant. Farther down the page is a menu, with pricing and pictures. Also included with this template is a testimonial slider and video play option. Finally you're presented with location and hour information.

Payment Processor App Webflow Template

Payment Processor App Webflow Template

Here's a fun rebuild of the PuntoPage site as a Webflow template perfect for finance and fintech related services or investment companies. This template features a large call to action hero section with a headline and download button call to actions with an animated 3D image. Scrolling down you're presented with a metrics area and a large features with a static scrolling effect. Finally there's a location map, and opt in form. The template features a menu/footer section and a interactions/animations.

Copywriter Webflow Template

Copywriter Webflow Template

Created for the creative minds to showcase their work. Easy to use, build for your crafty souls. Attention to detail and an eye for the beautiful, Naura will help you build a powerful portfolio.

Spending Tracker Webflow Template

Spending Tracker Webflow Template

Trackable is a premade and fully responsive minimalist Webflow HTML website template with an elegant and modern style.

Fashion Identity Blog Webflow Template

Fashion Identity Blog Webflow Template

A stunning beauty and fashion identity website and UI kit.

Ecommerce Shop Webflow Template

Ecommerce Shop Webflow Template

Clonable eCommerce SaaS concept w/ full screen navigation, pricing table & CMS blog section.

Startup App Webflow Template

Startup App Webflow Template

Italic brings your ideas to live and makes your project memorable. Your customers will love your italic as it gives them a clear user experience beautiful design.

Email Newsletter Webflow Template

Email Newsletter Webflow Template

A simple, yet well designed newsletter Webflow template cloneable perfect for your upcoming project. This features a strong call to action with email opt-in form, reader testimonials section, blog/post cards and many needed pages already designed.

Ecofriendly Collective Webflow Template

Ecofriendly Collective Webflow Template

A clean and minimal free Webflow template cloneable perfect for green, energy efficient services, charities and non profit organizations. This template features a clean and modern design with a large hero section and background image. Lower you will find feature cards with hover interactions followed by a testimonial section and a call to action.

File Hosting Webflow Template

File Hosting Webflow Template

Google drive homepage rebuild created as a Webflow template. A perfect way to jump start your online technology sites landing page by using Google drive's homepage as an inspiration and starting point. This template features a large menu, call to action and product demo image section. A large feature section with emphasis on the material design that's so often associated with Google's products.