Testimonial sections are included with these Webflow templates. Testimonial design components help showcase your company and service while helping solidify important social proof.
SaasBox is a premium SaaS UI Kit to help you convert visitors into customers, built with compelling design and interactions that maximize your conversions. Customize the template easily and grow your revenue with a website that makes an impression. photogrid
A complete rebuild of the Relume library website in Webflow. A perfect landing page and site design perfect for SaaS, technology, apps and Startups for Webflow. Features scroll interactions, a strong header with call to action, scroll animations, cards, call to actions, a mouse interactive slider section, pricing table, testimonials slider with timed rotation and interactions, FAQ accordion
A perfect free Webflow cloneable template for your online course, elearning platform or online educational class. This template features a beautifully designed hero section that features a hover slider style section, strong call to action, a tabbed area that shows the list of courses filtered by categories, a features section, testimonials slider in a beautifully designed site with a menu and footer.
Hello Webflow Lovers 👋 , Have you ever tried developing Airbnb Site using @Webflow? We have done the Single Property Page with Webflow. Here is the Result for you, and its completely clonable
An excellent rebuild of Jarvis site as a Webflow cloneable template. This template features a text animation using gradients and the typing effect in the header, a scroll to expand video interaction, client logo section, feature section with expanding image interaction, scroll animations for features section, reviews and testimonial section, and a strong call to action. All major headers and headlines use a gradient text effect.
Pivot presents a casual, playful character with care-free exuberance, providing all the features you need to launch your next startup and get stuff done.
A clean free Webflow cloneable template perfect for a travel site, transport company or technology startup. Featuring a strong header section with text underlines and a video play button, benefit cards with icons, travel destination cards, steps process, testimonial slider and a strong call to action.
Circle is a platform where you can learn everything you need to know to launch a successful e-commerce start up. On such a platform, you can study core topics as management, finance and creating websites.
A rebuild of Avocode built as a Webflow template perfect for SaaS, marketing companies and other technology based services. This template features a fun and playful design with animated characters on page load and elements throughout the page. This template has a large hero section with an avocado character that points to the headline in the hero section. Below the hero you'll find a client logo bar followed by a unique slider with transitions feature section. As the testimonials rotate the primary feature word changes with the slider. Further down the page you'll see additional features broken down by different topics. Each section has a different color scheme and the background changes as you scroll down the page.
A well designed free Webflow cloneable template perfect for SaaS, startups and technology services. This template is built using Finsweet client first system based on the popular Lattice site. It features neatly structured page elements that is accessible to all screen resolutions. Prebuilt style guide thats well organized and features combo+global classes. The design includes a prominent hero section with strong headline, below that you find the client logo bar. The features section include 5 features with hover over effects followed by a product demonstration screenshot. This template includes a metric section with scroll animations, tabbed feature section, a slider testimonial area, large feature cards and a call to action.
A clean Webflow template perfect for apps, technology, startups or SaaS sites. This template features a large call to action hero section with download buttons, as you scroll down page scroll interactions show a variety of images, followed by a features section. As you scroll down further a unique scroll interaction demonstrates the features in a sticky section scroller, a further feature section with load animations, a testimonials vertical slider interaction, followed by the download buttons.
A simple, yet clean Webflow theme perfect for an online course, membership, and similar industry style sites. This template features a large hero section with a headline, subheadline and call to action. As you scroll down you'll see a metrics section, course cards information, testimonials slider, teacher cards, call to action and latest posts section.
A rebuild of Masterclass sites offered as a Webflow cloneable template perfect for video sites, educational courses and learning services. This template features a bold hero section with a large hero, video area, and call to action. Below the hero section you'll find a logo/as see on bar followed by a large call to action area. As you scroll down you'll see a unique feature section with a dynamic clicking area for teacher information. Following that area you'll see additional course information, a teacher slider, metrics area and then a tabbed course area showing teachers in various industries. There's also a unique testimonial slider, social media area and a FAQ accordion with interactions.
A creative Webflow template perfect for web designers, portfolios and creative sites. This template features a yellow color scheme with a large hero section and call to action. As you scroll down you're presented with a large card featuring metrics and an about the company information. Further down is a portfolio and previous works area with large imagery and project titles. Below is the about section featuring rounded cards and information about the business. Finally there's a large call to action, client logo bar and testimonial slider to complete this template.
Aron is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on a smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd. Headers, sticky, hide, scrolling, work, responsive, contact, cross browser, IE11, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, startup, interaction, loading, animations, reviews, slider, client list, about, pricing, blog, contact, portfolio
Are you a real estate company looking to promote properties for sale or rent? Presenting Realtor X, our ultimate real estate Webflow Template designed for modern companies and realtors looking to have a world-class website.
This project is a complete Desktop rebuild of Webflow website home page. Needless to say, Webflow home page is a huge example of how to implement mega menus, scrolling interactions, custom tabs components, infinite marquees that stops on hover, greatly customized sliders, awesome design, and much more.
A modern and clean Webflow theme perfect for SaaS, startup, and technology sites. This template features a big headline, call to action button, client logo bar, feature cards, call to action, testimonial cards, FAQ accordion with Webflow interaction. The template is based on Finsweet's class naming conventions which makes building Webflow sites faster and easier and responsive. This template features a product page, pricing page, about, contact and blog.
A well designed lead generation template for Webflow.
Grow your real estate brand online with the most powerful & beautiful real estate website template every created for Webflow.
Myrage is a premium dark Webflow Template suited for SaaS, coding & development agencies, R&D companies, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, and innovative startups that want to upgrade their digital presence, impress and convert visitors into clients. coding development technology research automation crypto blockchain
Crypto is a premium Webflow Template designed for Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain related businesses. It includes everything needed to help you launch your Crypto ICO or start your Crypto App business as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Nordic is a Webflow template perfect for an architectural design firms and real estate companies sites. This template features a large primary image and headline in the hero. As you scroll down a progress scroll indicator appears on the bottom of the page. Following section includes a metrics section, an about area and a quote section. The services section includes a step process and a video area section and a projects section. There's also an hours of operation and a opt in call to action form.
An online educational Webflow cloneable template perfect for online courses, membership programs and more. This template features unique parallax scrolling interactions, a large hero section, a tabbed features section, course overview cards, a testimonial slider, accordion styled features tab, accordion FAQ section and a menu/footer.
Tech is a premium Webflow UI Kit for SaaS and Tech startups. It was created to help you launch a great website for your tech startup as easy as 1, 2, 3. It includes all pages and features you will need to have a world-class SaaS website.
Client-first Template 8 is a Podcast template. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 7 static and 3 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system More info: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/template/8 What is Client-first? https://www.finsweet.com/client-first Full docs: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/docs/intro 🎁 Get the Figma file: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1062415009367876626
Looking for a great website to launch your personal brand website? Presenting Freelancer X, the ultimate creative portfolio Webflow Template created for designers looking to boost their brand as consultants and start getting more clients!
Hyperion Webflow template is highly suitable for creating websites for startups, apps, software, SaaS and technology businesses.
Here's the second freebie from the Studio UI Kit project - a fully free, premium UI Kit that will be live on the Webflow showcase before you know it! This time, we've got a complete home page template, complete with a nav bar and a footer. Clone it, and use it for whatever your heart desires!
A free Webflow template cloneable perfect for auto mechanics, dealerships and other transport related services. This template was created using Finsweets client first methodologies, making this template easy to work with and build upon. This template features a large hero section with a call to action button, parallax scroll review effects, a booking/quote form with a features list, a step process feature section, feature cards with hover effects and a large CTA section. There's also a metrics section, brand logo grid, testimonial slider and a FAQ accordion with Webflow interactions.
A free Webflow theme perfect for web designers, creatives, and personal sites. This template features a large hero section with a call to action button with gradients, headline and primary image. As you scroll lower on the page theirs an about me section, photo section, services area, metrics section, logo/client area, portfolio section, testimonial cards and blog posts section. This template includes an about page, services page, portfolio page and a contact page. This is built using Finsweets client first methodology making it easy to build organized and responsive sites.
A beautiful Webflow template suitable for a candy shop, retail store, online shop and much more. This template features a stunning use of typography and simplicity, the hero section offers a strong headline and provides information about the product. As you scroll down the page you'll notice smooth scrolling and strong product imagery. You'll also notice a custom cursor and additional information about the product. As you scroll down a parallax image effect occurs followed by additional information about the candy. Further down the page you'll notice the different types of candies offered, when hovering over the imagery changes via a hover effect for each individual candy. There's a large testimonial slider and a draggable product slider. Finally there's a call to action
Circle saves you countless hours of design and development time. The design is made in the white style, which makes the website memorable and the black/white color palette makes it unique.
Ollie unlocks a world of possibilities in Webflow. Build beautiful websites at full speed with 91 prepared blocks or create your own from modular UI elements. Ollie packs multiple navigation and footer options plus a full suite of inner pages.
Clean, modern design with unique animations for creative companies and individuals who want to present themselves and their work to the World.
Uplift is a cheerful, no-nonsense Webflow Template for startups, designed to highlight the best of your products and services. Build your website your way, with dozens of layout variations, a clean style guide, and easy-to-follow instructions.
An online course landing page for free as a Webflow cloneable template. This template features loading animations, a strong hero section with client images, customer logos, features section with testimonial quotes, metrics section, testimonial slider with automatic transitions, a FAQ section, pricing table, call to action, and menu/footer area.
Presenting MedicApp X, our ultimate medical Webflow Template. It was designed for hospitals, doctors and health startups looking to have an amazing website design. It includes everything you will need to impress your users once they visit your site. Healthcare, medical, figma, modern, speed, optimized, seo, responsive, animations, about, services, doctors, blog, packages, contact, style guide
A free human resources Webflow cloneable template that features a modern design and strong design elements. This template features a strong call to action hero section with metrics and button design. Below that you'll find three feature cards with an offset so that it hovers over the hero section. Below you'll find a client logo bar followed by a larger featured area with a relevant testimonial, a strong call to action section follows with a stepped process to describe what the clients can expect with the service. Finally you'll see a hero slider and then a wonderfully designed footer that includes the blog/articles recently posted.
Fidelity CMS is a Webflow Template that fits perfectly for Businesses who want a simple but clean website to showcase their Mobile App. Other Business that benefits from Fidelity are: Corporates, Design Agencies, Consulting, Freelancers.
Jane is a modern, elegant, stylish, and easy-to-use e-commerce/CMS Webflow template, ideal for wellness and mental health businesses and all those helping people achieve a better life.
I rebuild Buffer's homepage in Webflow. I made it mainly for fun and also to give something to the community, so I made it a cloneable. Some custom css and jQuery were used for some animations. Not perfect but enjoy and let me know what you think!
Dedicated website for a high-end real estate project.
Red lets you compile your own unique creative portfolio the easy way! This template is ideal for any modern web design company, UI/UX design portfolio, artist portfolio, graphic design company, and more.
An SaaS focused Webflow template that features a modern design and is perfect for technology startups, apps and similar tech based services. This template features a large header section with headline and a call to action button followed by a client bar. As you scroll down the page there's an about section with images and a metrics section, a feature section with custom cards, service overview cards, steps process with 6 individual cards and unique designs. There's a testimonial section with a slider and people avatars, a blog section with cards and a call to action. This template is based on Finsweet client first methodology which allows you to build fully responsive with an organized class system.
A unique and clean free Webflow cloneable template perfect for app landing pages, SaaS, technology companies or a startup. This site features a clean dark design with a strong hero section with countdown clock, product demonstration video, features section, feature cards, testimonial section, strong call to action, FAQ accordion, and a menu/footer section.
A rebuild of the popular Pipe website as a Webflow cloneable template. This features a unique typing text header effect, product screenshot, features section, testimonial slider, featured tab section, integration cards, call to action and much more.
Landing Page Ace is a responsive, high-converting, and beautifully designed template with a series of landing pages. With a clean and modern look and sections that you can mix and match, Landing Page Ace has all you need to kick-start your next project.
Shade app is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for app landing pages and technology based startups. This template features a large hero section with download call to action buttons perfect for app downloads. Scrolling down there's a step process area, larger feature section with various designs and a product demonstration slider with a unique iphone mockup and design. This template also has a testimonials section, a larger call to action and a menu/footer.
Architech is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for architecture firms, real estate companies and interior design services. This template features a bold hero section with a large headline and call to action. As you scroll down you'll notice an image slider with images of real estate projects. Further down there are large feature areas with icons and imagery. This template also includes a testimonial slider and call to action followed by a client logo bar.
Lawyer is a premium Webflow Template for top-notch Lawyers and Attorneys. It includes everything you need to help you have a stellar online presence and be recognized as an amazing Lawyer.
Colibri is a fully responsive one page template for Webflow with modern look and CMS blog functionality designed to promote your business and engage more clients.
A stunning and well designed Webflow cloneable template perfect for Startups, SaaS, technology focused services. This design provides modern web standards via a beautiful hero section, with headline highlights. A menu with call to action buttons, a mission statement, a scrolling interaction demoing the product, scrolling features expanding interaction, integrations section, a scrolling testimonial marquee, an infinite features marquee.
Otis is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Farm is a premium Webflow Template for Agriculture-related Businesses and Local Farms. It was designed to offer a personal, yet professional and premium look and feel.
Client-first Template 10 is for religious communities. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 6 static and 2 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system
A modern, clean and friendly Webflow Agency template including marquees, hover effects, sliders, CMS and more.
Pine makes it easier to get the perfect technology website off the ground for your business and clients. Save countless hours and build a site that performs effectively out of the box.
Looking to impress your new agency clients? Presenting Digital X, our latest agency Webflow Template created for modern design agencies looking to have a world-class website design and get top-tier clients.
A free Webflow cloneable template perfect for a real estate company, architectural firm or AirBNB style vacation rental site. This template features a beautiful design and large hero section with a transitioning background image. As you scroll down the page you're presented with a large about us section area. Further down the page is the property listings with filtering capabilities. The properties feature a unique hover over interaction and include important details about the property. Scrolling down further is another large featured area followed by a call to action. There's a testimonial section with tabs to select different testimonials. This template features a header and footer area.
Consultant is a premium Webflow Template for Business Coaches and Consultants. It includes everything you need to create an amazing site and wow your clients from first glance.
A stunning Webflow template perfect for creatives, personal portoflios and web designers. This template is gorgeous featuring a number of unique interactions, such as the transparent menu and blended menu on scroll. The hero section features two infinite marquees moving in different directions. As you scroll down you're presented with feature cards, a background video about section, a portfolio section featuring custom cursors, with a rotating page scroll percent indicator, farther down there's another marquee with the client logos, finally there's a testimonial slider with custom design and unique previous and next buttons. A unique team section with custom name marquee and previous next buttons on images.
An absolutely stunning free template perfect for urban development, architecture firms, real estate companies and much more in Webflow. This beautiful template features scroll animations, a strong hero section, testimonials section, parallax style effects, tabs, steps process, date process, a menu and footer with scroll animations.
Nebo is a minimalist Ecommerce website template for small businesses. Show your products, manage inventory and provide news updates to your customers.
Alley is a modern and complex real estate template for companies that wants a ready-made website with powerful Webflow CMS management. Unique design, a bunch of custom animations, fully responsive. Take a look.
Technology Webflow Template is a premium Webflow Template for Tech and SaaS startups. It includes all pages you will need to create a top-notch website for your tech startup and have a stellar online presence.
A simple Webflow template ideal for startups, technology companies, and SaaS. This template features a large hero section with a headline, call to action business and client logos. Below you'll find a feature headline, feature cards followed by another feature section. The next feature section includes a large image with a circular text overlay and vital metrics. Scrolling down further you'll notice a tabbed area, with various tabbed information. The template also includes a large call to action, testimonial section, blog cards, and a menu and footer.
Finance X Webflow Template is a premium website template for fintech companies looking to renew its website with the latest design trends of the web. It includes everything your finance company will need to have a cutting-edge website.
Avante is a stunning Webflow UI Kit template packed with everything you need to make a stellar website for your business firm, digital agency, or startup — without any effort.
Build a professional-looking website with no coding knowledge with Atra.
Say hello to Makeshift, a creative agency template to help you get more clients. Show off your best work, list your services and pricing, engage your audience with your blog, and build a standout brand with your own unique website.
With a freshness befitting a young startup and a corporate sheen catering to larger, more established businesses, Optic Webflow Template will showcase your brand in brilliant clarity.
Toleka is the perfect Agency Webflow Template you need for your Company or Startup, with a large amount of sections that you can re-arrange and customize you are all set to create a unique website in no time. Try Toleka CMS Template Today! modal buttons
Shades digital is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for technology startups, SaaS companies and app landing pages. This template features a large hero section and opt in form, followed by feature benefits. As you scroll down the page you'll see a larger feature area with several different styled layouts. This template also features a testimonial area and client logo bar followed by a simple pricing table with two pricing options. Finally theres a menu and footer section.
Are you looking to launch a local or virtual event? Search no more. Presenting Conference X, our latest conference Webflow Template that will help you to launch an amazing website for your event or summit as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Create a beautiful, compelling website for your newsletter with Mailbox. Boost your subscriptions and expand readership with thoughtful design and a seamless visitor experience!
A modern, creative, and responsive blog website template design.
Client-first Template 9 is for startup businesses. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 9 static and 2 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system More info: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/template/9 What is Client-first? https://www.finsweet.com/client-first Full docs: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/docs/intro 🎁 Get the Figma file: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1066032194038144289
Albion Webflow template is highly suitable for creating websites for construction companies, architectural agencies, development, and real estate business.
StartIt comes with a multitude of carefully designed page layouts, purpose built content blocks that when pieced together create stunning, professional layouts.
Looking to launch an iOS, iPadOS, watchOS or macOS app? Presenting Human X, our ultimate tech app Webflow Template & UI Kit inspired in the human design system used in iOS and macOS platforms. Get it today and launch an amazing website for your app.
Looking for an amazing website for your tech or software startup? Presenting Codely X, our tech Webflow Template designed for SaaS startups. It includes all the pages and sections you will need to launch your website as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Crystal is a wonderfully designed Webflow cloneable template perfectg for real estate companies, architecture and developers. Featuring a large image hero section, about with client logos, awards section via slider, large features section, testimonial slider, accordion with interactions, blog post section, and a contact form call to action. This was built with the BEM naming convention for CSS classes so that they are easy to update and change.
Easily create beautiful web pages without code and get mobile-friendly website in minutes. Huge library of layouts and blocks.
Saasly is a premium Webflow Template designed for modern tech and SaaS companies. It features a modern design to help your SaaS startup have a stellar online presence, and help you get more users.
I created a project for The Webflow Party hosted by Melissa Mendez founder of The Webflow Party. During the Live-Build we covered design tools, resources, design systems and style systems. This project was created with Finsweets Client-First Style Systems. CFSS organization helped developed a well balanced structure in Webflow.
Are you looking to launch a new design for your SaaS website? Search no more. Presenting Saaslify X, our modern technology and SaaS Webflow Template designed for B2B and B2C startups looking to have a premium website full of illustrations.
Next comes with a multitude of carefully designed page layouts, purpose built content blocks that when pieced together create stunning, professional layouts. The possibilities are endless.
Build a professional-looking website with no coding knowledge with Dolce.
Startup X is the ultimate startup Webflow template designed for modern companies looking to launch a simple, premium and modern website. With a total of over 30 pages, it's the perfect template to help you launch a stellar website for your startup.
Maple is a carefully designed, clean and minimal startup template made to get your website up and running ASAP.
The total package with which you can build beautiful, high converting and professional startup websites that make you stand out.
Build your own personal portfolio and brand with the Nero Portfolio Template. The Nero template is purpose built for all sorts of creatives, and covers the most important aspects of your work and experience.
Beacon leads the way with a versatile design fusing classic elegance and modern panache. Perfect for creators in both the digital and physical spaces with Case Studies and Portfolio template powered by Webflow CMS.
Jobly is a powerful, responsive, and high-performance job board HTML5 template with awesome features for a job platform. It’s based on Webflow and contains a lot of components to easily make a job listing website.
Photographer is a stylish CMS template for creative people who want to showcase their work. Perfect for photographers, designers and illustrators.
Just is a unique and modern Webflow template with the main focus on smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Saturn is a stunning Webflow UI Kit template packed with everything you need to make a perfect website for your digital agency, or startup — without any effort.
Looking to create an amazing website for your veterinary business? Presenting Vet X, our veterinarian Webflow Template designed for modern and friendly vet practices looking to offer their services online. Get Vet X today and launch your website!
Midnight is a responsive, high-converting, and beautifully designed template for startups. With a clean and modern look, blog functionality, and sections that you can mix and match, Midnight will kick-start your next project and grow your revenue.