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Is anyone experiencing issues with their Robots.txt file in Webflow? I'm having trouble uploading the sitemap to Google and testing the site for rich results on Google due to the site being blocked by the robots.txt file. I've tried editing the robots.txt file and deleting text from the SEO tab, but neither solution has worked. Even manually indexing each URL on Google's sitemap app doesn't resolve the issue. Any suggestions?

If you're experiencing issues with your robots.txt file in Webflow that are affecting the uploading of your sitemap to Google and testing for rich results, there are a few things you can try to resolve the problem.

1. Check the robots.txt file: Make sure that your robots.txt file in Webflow doesn't contain any rules that are blocking Google or other search engines from accessing your sitemap or specific parts of your website. You can access and edit your robots.txt file in the project settings of Webflow.

2. Check the SEO settings: In Webflow, navigate to the SEO settings for your project and ensure that you haven't accidentally added any restrictions or blocked access to the sitemap or relevant parts of your website. Double-check the settings to make sure everything is configured correctly.

3. Clear cache and reindex: Sometimes, changes in the robots.txt file or SEO settings may not take effect immediately due to caching. Clear your browser cache and try retesting the site for rich results on Google or manually indexing each URL again.

4. Use the URL Inspection tool: Instead of relying solely on the sitemap for indexing, you can use Google's URL Inspection tool to manually submit and test individual URLs. This can help identify if there are any specific issues with certain pages of your website that are being blocked by the robots.txt file.

5. Ensure your sitemap is accessible: Check if your sitemap is accessible by directly visiting the URL of the sitemap. If it's not accessible, make sure that you have configured the correct path for your sitemap in the SEO settings of your Webflow project.

6. Contact Webflow support: If you've tried the above solutions and are still facing issues, it may be best to reach out to Webflow support for further assistance. They have specific expertise in troubleshooting issues related to the platform and can provide you with more targeted solutions.

Remember, it's essential to thoroughly test and validate your changes and ensure that all relevant parties (such as Google) can access the necessary files and content on your website.

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