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Is it possible to offer users a free trial with Webflow Memberships/Ecommerce only, without using any third-party tools?

Yes, it is possible to offer users a free trial with Webflow Memberships/Ecommerce without using any third-party tools. Webflow has built-in functionality that allows you to set up free trials for your memberships or ecommerce products.

For Webflow Memberships, you can create a free trial by using the "Trial period" feature. When setting up your membership plans, you can specify a specific number of days for the trial period. During this trial period, users will have access to your membership content for free. After the trial period ends, they will be prompted to become paying members to continue accessing the content.

To set up a free trial for Webflow Ecommerce, you can use discounts and coupon codes. You can create a discount code with a value of 100% that customers can apply during the checkout process. This will allow them to purchase your products for free during the trial period. After the trial period ends, you can prompt them to make a purchase at the regular price to continue accessing your products.

In both cases, you can customize the messaging and user experience during the trial period to match your branding and requirements. You can use Webflow's visual editor and designer to create custom pages, emails, and notifications to guide users through the trial process.

Overall, Webflow provides the necessary tools to offer free trials for both memberships and ecommerce products without relying on third-party tools.

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