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How can I switch the color mix blend mode in Webflow to achieve a similar effect, as mix blend mode color is not supported in Safari?

To achieve a similar effect to mix blend mode color in Webflow, you can utilize CSS blend modes. While mix blend mode color is not supported in Safari, CSS blend modes offer a cross-browser solution.

Here's how you can switch the color mix blend mode to achieve a similar effect in Webflow:

1. Select the element that you want to apply the color mix blend effect to.

2. Go to the Style panel on the right-hand side of the designer interface.

3. Under the Background section, click on the "Add Filter" button.

4. In the "Filter" dropdown, select the "Mix Blend Mode" option.

5. Choose a blend mode from the available options in the dropdown. Some common blend modes include "Multiply," "Screen," "Overlay," "Darken," and "Lighten." Experiment with different blend modes to achieve the desired effect.

6. Adjust the opacity of the blend mode using the slider provided. This allows you to control the intensity of the effect.

7. To apply the same blend mode to multiple elements, you can create a class and add the mix blend mode filter to that class. Then, apply the class to the desired elements.

8. Preview the website in different browsers to ensure that the blend mode effect is consistent across all supported browsers.

By using CSS blend modes in Webflow, you can achieve a similar effect to mix blend mode color while ensuring cross-browser compatibility. It's worth noting that CSS blend modes might have some limitations compared to mix blend mode color, but they still provide a powerful way to create visually stunning effects in your designs.

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