Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

GDPR Compliant Cookie Widget

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A copy and paste GDPR compliant cookie consent widget. This Webflow cloneable features a pre-made and GDPR compliant cookie consent widget perfect for your Webflow site. This method stops all scripts from loading, requires no javascript editing and utilizes Webflow's data attributes and works with Webflow interactions. You can create multiple options for the levels of cookie consents and this cloneable comes with 5 different variations of the cookie consent, one that utilizes Webflow interactions. This is a complete solution to allow you to properly validate your users cookie experience based on GDPR requirements.

A fully cloneable animated blurry gradient background that can be used on your hero section, or other sections of your site. Helps add a layer of dynamic elements to your Webflow site. This is a 100% native solution with Webflow interactions and utilizes colored div blocks with CSS scaling.

A way of utilizing sticky cards that stack on scroll in Webflow. Using position sticky and a scrolling into view interaction allows for this effect without any custom code.

Add a progress bar to your draggable CMS slider sections in Webflow. Typically most draggable, or third party sliders, don't offer a progress bar indicator. Using the power of Dragdealer.js you can now add a progress bar and draggable CMS slider to your Webflow site. Please note that you'll need to add the global styles HTML embed as well as the custom script found in the closing body tag within the Page settings for this to work properly.

An animated timeline scrolling effect perfect for about pages, historical pages and many others. As the user scrolls down the page a fun native interaction is applied that allows users to visit historical timelines with a unique Webflow interaction. The current date and item that is in view increases brightness while others out of view are faded out. The user can scroll down the page and have historical information provided in a unique and interactive fashion. This interaction uses while scrolling in view and while page is scrolling page trigger interactions.

A huge selection of premade Webflow animations, including animated buttons, click buttons, circular hover buttons, scroll down animations, nav link animations, tab animations, search bars, social media buttons, text animations, contact cards, blog cards, product cards and more.

An FAQ accordion for Webflow that includes all of the Webflow interactions to make it work. This accordion offers a simple design and is fully responsive with prebuilt interactions to make the magic happen.

A unique stacking cards on scroll interaction in Webflow. When you scroll down the page the cards on the right side stack on top of each other. A unique interaction perfect for a SaaS or technology site. The stacking cards effect was built entirely using Webflow interactions and does not require any additional code or scripts. The effect is created by using the While scrolling into view trigger, with the use of Scale and Filter. The filter applied reduces the overall brightness of the card and the scaling is used to send the item back smaller. Overall a well designed and thought out solution for a stacking card interaction.

Here's a demonstration of using three.js for the background of your Webflow site.

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A set of various language switcher elements designed for your Webflow site. If you use translation on your site these handy language switcher elements will come in handy. There are 14 different designs with necessary interactions to make them easy to copy and paste into your Webflow site. Nearly every kind of design you could think of to make this easy to implement.

An advanced demonstration of using Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter using no-code for Webflow. The example includes a search input, sorting, checkboxes, range slider, sorting, drop down, radio buttons and more. A great way to understand the capabilities and advanced filtering options of Attributes CMS filtering.

This is the official project starter cloneable for Client-First. It contains a style guide page with all the utility classes that come with the Client-First style system. What is Client-First? https://www.finsweet.com/client-first Full docs: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/docs Made with 💪 by Finsweet

Backdrop filters for Webflow that show three different background effects including inverting colors, saturating colors, hue rotation, and grayscale created by Finsweet. This cloneable was created to showcase Webflow's latest native backdrop filters.

Want to add more than 5 Webflow collection items per list or have more than 1 nested Webflow collection per page? With Finsweet's Attributes you are now able to do this! Create a CMS nest functionality without any limitations and add more than 1 nested Webflow per CMS page. In order for this to work you'll need to add the custom JS library found in Page Settings head section and refer to Finsweet's documentation.

Complex techniques to achieve amazing background effects using unique blending and backdrop filter effects and blending effects. In this demo you'll see a hide/show background effect on scroll, moving divs/assets wherever on a page and the various blending techniques, mouse hover over to effect background effects and more. Combine separate channels into full colour photo; magically hide and show objects simultaneously using nothing but solid coloured divs; play with stacking various blend modes on top of each other; see the mind-bending inception of inversion of already inverted objects; use interactive colour changer for your elements, that does not even touch the elements themselves; create fun colour-restoring games; reveal the magical world invisible to naked eye with your blend-empowered cursor.

A full suite of wonderfully designed and accessible components for Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter and Webflow forms. Includes radio button, checkbox, dropdown, search input, select, range slider and more!

Unique, lottie backgrounds that add a dynamic layer to your Webflow site. Static backgrounds are boring, add some flair and uniqueness to your Webflow site with lottie backgrounds.

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