Webflow sync, pageviews & more.
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A card interaction that displays additional information upon click in Webflow. This interaction was built entirely with Webflow's native interactions and requires no additional code. When a user clicks on the card the image reduces size and zooms out while the text information of the card appears.

A unique scroll interaction created using solely Webflow interactions and some minor CSS via an HTML embed. As the user scrolls down the page the hero image zooms out while the text continues to scroll up the page. As you enter the next section on the page the images for each section change in the same div that the original image zoomed out unto. This continues for each section on the page as you scroll throughout the site. An excellent use of Webflow's interactions and the While scrolling in view element trigger. All that is required to create this effect is the move element within the mentioned scrolling in view trigger.

A unique interaction in which a different image is shown based on the cursor location on the Webflow site. This effect was created entirely from Webflow's native interactions and requires no custom code. A great example of thinking outside of the box, integrating the use of a grid design to trigger the hidden images based on mouse over trigger events.

A well designed lateral menu animation built for Webflow. When a user clicks on the menu tab the entire menu opens up slowly sliding in to expand over the entire page. This was built using Webflow interactions with no custom code required. There's an interaction animation built for both opening and closing the menu.

A unique scrolling interaction in which the images scroll up the page and the title changes in Webflow. This scroll interaction was built entirely with Webflow's native interactions and requires no additional code. As the users scroll down the page images from various locations on the page scroll up the page while at the same time the title of each image is shown as they are introduced on the page.

A simple and easy to implement dark and light mode toggle for Webflow. This method was built using Webflow's native interactions and doesn't require any custom code.

An infinite scrolling vertical image interaction for Webflow. A great way of achieving a vertical scrolling looping image on your Webflow site. This technique uses custom CSS and JS so be sure to check the custom code within the Page Settings.

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We help brands that do good stand out and find their people. También is creative studio imagined by Alex Tourgis and Balerein Aranda Arestizabal.

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.