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Playing Songs/Audio

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The Playing Songs/Audio cloneable is a great solution for adding and playing audio on your Webflow site. This cloneable, created by Webflowtips, allows you to have as many different audio files as you want, which will play and pause every time you click a button. Please note that this cloneable only works on the published site, not the builder. To use this cloneable, you'll need to add an embed block to your project with as many audio tags as you want, using a unique ID for each one (for example, <audio id="player1" loop src"your-song.mp3"></audio>). You'll also need to add a button for each audio tag, using the unique element ID of the previous items. To complete the setup, you'll need to copy the code within the before body tag, using the IDs of the buttons that you added. The Playing Songs/Audio cloneable can be found in the Music category on Webflow. With this cloneable, you can add a professional and functional audio player to your Webflow site, enhancing its overall usability and user experience.

Want to add an audio player in your Webflow site? Here's a way of adding a Webflow CMS powered HTML audio player to your Webflow sites. This allows you to add standard browser designs, custom styles and designs via jQuery and much more to your Webflow projects. While Webflow doesn't allow you to host MP3 files natively there are other free external hosting options, such as Dropbox, that will allow it.

Here's a way to add background video, with sound, to your Webflow site that features a mute/unmute button. This is completed using plyr.js plugin and works on any Webflow site. Perfect for background videos or other sections that require sound/audio but with the ability for users to mute and unmute. Be sure to add the html video embed, as well as the plyr.js code found in the closing body tag section of the Page Settings.

A unique javascript powered Webflow interaction in which images change on items in viewport and a clicking sound is triggered for each new item that's centered in the viewport. As mentioned this utilizes a custom javascript which is found in the pages custom code section. This script allows you to utilize Webflow's native CMS to create a list of text items and associated images with each CMS item. As the user scrolls down the list of text items, the items that are centered in view become highlighted white, the primary CMS image is shown and a clicking sound is played. A unique and fun way of adding a little bit of JS to your site to create unique, and effective Webflow interactions.

Here's a way to add a simple MP3 audio player that hides the browsers default audio controls and works seamlessly with Webflow's CMS collections. This does require some custom code in order for this to work and you will need to host your MP3 files externally as Webflow doesn't allow MP3 filetypes. Be sure to add the custom code found within the head and body tags within the Page Settings.

Here's a way to have a CMS driven music player, with download functionality for your Webflow site.

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Here's a way to add an animated number counter on load in Webflow. Now you can add a number counter that counts up on your Webflow sites. To accomplish this you'll need to add a class to the number you want to animate. Copy and paste the code in the Settings -> Before body tag. Change the name of the class that you created for the number. Finally, modify the parameters for it to work. The parameters that can be modified are start, end, duration, delay, true, repeat, decimals, currency and the separator. Please keep in mind that this will only show on the published site and not within Webflow editor.

A fun way of adding a text color changing effect to a headline or other piece of text in Webflow. This technique uses Webflow's native interactions to achieve a color changing text effect in Webflow. This demonstration as two different methods, one which each text changes colors at a time and the second in which all texts change color and then revert back and loop again.

Four different individual text animations created with Anime.js for Webflow. These animations each create an individual letter loading animation on load. Please note that this only works on the published site. To get this to work give a class to the text that you'd like to animate. For example, animation1. Add a span to the text and give it a class of letter. Copy the code on the settings, before body and make sure that you change the class to the one that you used in the first step.

Text reveals is one of the most popular animations on the web today. This demonstrates how to achieve text reveals from different locations in Webflow. It's built using a custom script so be sure to check out the custom code section in Page Settings to ensure you have the proper scripts for the text reveal examples you want to achieve.

Eight different examples of Typed.js typewriter effects perfect for your Webflow projects. The eight variations include a standard simple one, which types the word once and then provides the typing cursor. A looping version in which it retypes the same text over and over again. A multiple text version in which you signify different texts that you'd like for it to type and it cycles through each one. A version without the blinking cursor. One with a custom cursor that's an underscore. Smart backspacing in which deletes only portion of the sentence and then retypes it. A version that fades out after typing the sentence. Typing within an input field, perfect for searches or suggested searches. You'll find the Typed.js code within the sites custom code settings and can be modified to your specifications.

Here's a way of adding an animated progress bar to your Webflow site. All you need to do is update the width % to your preferred number. The animated progress bars add a fun Webflow interaction animation to the metrics section of your Webflow site.

Here's an easy way of adding tooltips to your Webflow site using tippy.js. Simple tooltips have never been easier with Webflow by using tippy.js. To style them just change the custom attributes in the element settings. In order for this to work you'll need to view it on the published site and copy the custom code. This demonstration shows six different tool tip variations, including default hover, bottom tooltip, animated tooltip, tooltip without arrow and a tooltip that follows your cursor and finally a tooltip on click.

Here's a way to create a page load animation in Webflow in which circles appear at different intervals to create an animation effect. This entire animation was built using Webflow's native interactions and doesn't require any custom code to create it.

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