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Dropdown Nav Menu Design

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The Dropdown Nav Menu Design is a clean and stylish dropdown menu design for your Webflow site. When a user hovers over the navigation bar, the secondary menu drops down with a smooth animation effect, making it easy for users to access your content. This cloneable is categorized under Menu and was created by Aaron Grieve. If you're looking to add a professional and user-friendly navigation menu to your Webflow site, the Dropdown Nav Menu Design is a great choice. So why wait? Check out the Dropdown Nav Menu Design today and start building a beautiful and functional navigation menu for your Webflow site!

Here's a full screen menu navigation with animations and interactions in Webflow. This is a great way to easily add a menu/navigation to your Webflow site. This was comprised of three components during the build process. First, an image wrapper with an image inside of it. Second, the blue background and third a right wrapper with the menu items inside of it. The image wrapper and right wrapper are both 50% width within the menu. The width of the blue background is 150% so it has a quicker animation as it scales in. By having separate wrappers inside of the menu wrapper the scaling effect can also apply to the image, and the blue background as well as individual animations to the menu items. The menu trigger also turns into a close icon on click and then back to the hamburger button.

Cards 2 is an amazing UI kit and framework to allow you to quickly design and wireframe your next landing page using Webflow. There are over 100+ different prebuilt symbols and components included for hi-fidelity wireframing for any UI/UX designers. Create landing pages and designs faster with the Cards 2.0 UI kit directly in Webflow and ready to be published directly with code. This UI kit includes 50 new cards as Webflow components/symbols in both dark and light variations. 3 complete landing page designs in both dark and light. Symbols/components for both hero sections, features, testimonials, team, pricing pages, blog posts and more. These are responsive for all 4 breakpoints and all cards are offered in a Sketch file. This UI kit allows you to build your designs faster and begin the design process directly in Webflow.

A well designed starter dropdown navigation menu with hover over for Webflow. This consists of clear class names, 100% native interactions and basic dropdown triggers. It's also mobile friendly and responsive design.

A unique vertical navbar with a page scroll progress bar for Webflow. This vertical navbar features a progress bar that indicates how far down the page the user is and was created entirely with Webflow interactions. Note there is some CSS however this controls hiding the browsers default scroll bar. Otherwise this was built and created entirely with Webflow interactions. Taking advantage of While page is scrolling a div is moved down the page based on the percentage of the page that the user has scrolled down. This is perfect for storytelling or blog posts or pages with a large amount of information. A wonderful vertical menu solution for Webflow.

A full screen animated navigation with hover interactions and slide in animations.

A UI kit featuring dozens of helpful premade components perfect for your next project. These components include content cards, buttons, button hovers, navigation and site footers. There are six different content cards featuring designs perfect for blog posts, news items, products and more. There are 15 different button options and designs from rounded to square style buttons. This component UI kit also features 6 different hover interactions buttons with custom code embeds. Button animations such as floating buttons, underline, sweeps, wiggles and hover pops. There are also five different navigation bars perfect for any kind of template, there are also three different style footers.

A unique way of showcasing your logo front and center and have it move up on page scroll in Webflow. This adds a fun dynamic element to your Webflow site and draws the users attention in. This interaction was created entirely from Webflow's native interactions using the While page is scrolling functionality and size, move, scale, opacity and more. This requires no additional custom code and can be cloned and setup quickly.

Here's a rebuild of Stripes mega menu design in Webflow. Add a unique mega menu design and navbar to your site inspired by Stripe's mega menu.

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A simple, yet elegant accordion interaction for your Webflow site. This accordion has pre-built interactions so that when a user clicks on the accordion the information is expanded and then closed on second click.

A clean menu and navigation dropdown design for your Webflow site. When a user hovers over the navigation bar the secondary menu drops down with a nice animation effect.

A slick split hero slider design with unique slider transitions that rotate both half of the pages in different directions upon each slide. Perfect for a unique hero section in Webflow that allows for an eye catching and dynamic hero slider section.

A smokey button design with interactions and hover state animations.

An easy to implement tooltips for your Webflow site. With this cloneable you can easily add tooltips to your Webflow sites.

A clean and modern Webflow menu navigation design with hover over interactions/animations. A perfect cloneable to get your Webflow site started with a modern and aesthetically pleasing menu navigation. Upon hovering on a navigation link their's an interaction that shows a growing underline.

Here's a great blog post card design with hover interactions perfect for any Webflow site. When the user hovers over the card the image is zoomed in, becomes brighter and the authors details are shown.

A perfect product preview card interaction and animation that upon card click shows an image preview modal window in Webflow. A great product card design with pre-built interactions and animations that are perfect for your ecommerce or product/sales pages.

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